
Wild Food Walks with ForageSF

Join Alexandra around the Bay Area to explore the medicinal & culinary virtues of the wild and feral plants growing all around us. Class will gather at favorite sites around the East Bay, Peninsula, and SF and wander as we get to know these potent and delicious plants that grow from the hills to the ravines and through the neighborhoods in between. Walks are open and will inspire plant lovers of all backgrounds and skill levels, from the novice to the professional chef, herbalist, and ecologist.

Discussions explore

  • Plant identification and caution regarding lookalikes

  • Medicinal properties & medicine making technique

  • Culinary virtues and recipes to incorporate plants into daily cuisine

  • Harvesting & processing techniques

  • Wildcrafting ethics

  • Folklore and traditional use of plant materials

UPCOMING Dates & Time:

March 14, 2025 3-6pm (Palo Alto)

April 24, 2025 3-6pm (Santa Cruz)

Forager’s Feast

seasonal series

This year-round series shows you how to develop a nutritive relationship and bake, roast, sautee, ferment and preserve with the edible landscape that grows all around us. For four weekends over the course of the year, you’ll learn to identify, properly harvest, and cook with the wild edibles and medicinals of the Bay Area.

Class focuses on food preparation with harvested bounty: learn to identify, properly harvest, and cook with the wild edibles and medicinals of the Bay Area. Chosen recipes will illustrate extraction and food preservation techniques so you can develop the confidence to incorporate these plants into delicious daily meals.

springtime class

Some of Spring’s greens and flowers that cleanse and energize our systems after a winter of rich food include Miner’s/Indian lettuce, Oxalis, Chickweed, Nettles, Spring onions, Watercress, Mallow, Milk thistle, Nasturtium, Wild radish, Wild geranium, Arugula, Chamomile, Dock, Fir and Pine tips, Milky Oats, Hawthorn blossoms, and Pine pollen, among others.

In the springtime class, we explore the brilliant vibrancy of springtime with herbal allies to help us arise from slumber and meet the spring with vigor. Recipes explored include:

Vinegar infusion

  • Herbal pesto

  • Spring green ferments

  • Herbal gomasio

  • Springtime mead

  • And more

Upcoming Classes

March 21 4-7pm & April 11, 2025 4-7pm - Springtime Feast

Private Lessons for Individuals

Do you yearn to develop your relationship with the plants and the greater ecology in which you live? Whether you seek an introduction to the plants growing in your backyard or the park near your house, a cooking class for your family, or a discussion on herbal medicine, I am delighted to explore the fold with you.

Location: Parks around the South Bay & Santa Cruz, CA; additional tribute applies if to greater bay area

Cost: $250 for 2.5-3 hour walk in Santa Cruz or South Bay; travel tribute applies if out of one of these areas

Email: alexandraevanshudson@gmail.com to schedule.

Monthly Community Full Moon Walks

Join me and your fellow wild plant & herbalism enthusiasts for FREE monthly wild wander and plant gatherings under the auspices of the full moon, when the energy of the imaginal realms is in its monthly crescendo. Together we will build community by gathering folks who love (& want to get to know!) the plants and to have a casual, informal time where we focus on the plants together. 

Get to know the plants through quiet moments of meditation, identification and guided inquiry, and collective gathering over the course of a gentle two-ish hour walk. Our exploration sites are located throughout the greater Santa Cruz county & are selected for their abundance of plants whose medicine is particularly relevant to the moment. 

Upcoming walks: September 17 6-8pm, October 17 5-7pm 

To save your spot: email alexandraevanshudson@gmail.com

Past Classes

Herbal First Aid and Herbal Spa Intensives with Wayfinder

My colleague Deva Waring and I will be teaching Herbal First Aid and Herbal Spa intensives with Wayfinder Archery this August 31 & September 1 at Wayfinder’s upcoming Archery Intensive. Wayfinder's founder Mikhel Neshat is a skilled archer and teacher who has helped thousands of people (mostly women) find their inner archer. Her classes are truly transformational and deeply inspiring!

Taught in collaboration with Wayfinder Archery & Well Rooted Herbs

Introduction to Herbalism & Medicine Making

In this four part series we build a framework to work with medicinal herbs and incorporate them into our every day lives. We explore major body systems and corresponding plants to help fortify the body and correct chronic and acute disease. We examine the role of food and lifestyle as medicine, in addition to herbal medicines, to ensure the holistic well being of the person.

The weekly class is a mixture of lecture, discussion, and hands-on food and medicine making. Midway through the month, students will gather for a wild food and medicine walk to learn about local plant ID, harvest, and preservation.

By the end of the four weeks, students leave the class prepared to start their own basic home apothecary and wild foods pantry.

This class is best for those with no-to-introductory level knowledge of plant medicine.

Connection with the plants is our ancestral birthright; being able to work with them intelligently for ones individual and collective healing is a study and an art. Join Alexandra in this springtime Introduction to Herbalism class to begin your journey with plant medicine; the discussions and activities here will ignite your inspiration, awaken you evermore to the world around and within you, and equip you with the tools to begin the path of a lifetime.

Taught in collaboration with Berkeley Herbal Center

Redwood Medicine & the Wild Mind

Follow the gentle call of the wild and come immerse in the landscape of your medicine. Camp in the Santa Cruz mountains, to reconnect to nature.  Take a break from cell phones and computer technology and reawaken your natural mind.

In the peak of summer’s high heat, step into the timeless fineness of the redwoods with herbalist Alexandra Hudson and her guest educators for a week of forest medicine. Together we will quiet down and integrate with the plants and their greater ecosystem. From Sunday to Friday we will get to know the plants of the redwood forest through plant walks, medicine harvest & making, plant songs and lore, wild foods demos and tastings, plant communication meditations & journeywork and dreamwork interpretation.

The time together will be full and rich with learning and students are encouraged to wander lightly on the land and to come with questions for the trees.

Accommodations on the land are intentionally rustic. Students will camp and provide their own shelter & meals, space to cook and clean is available for students to use. We will have stoves and pots and pans for cooking in.

Cost covers land use, and teaching. Bring your own camping gear and food.

Taught in collaboration with Berkeley Herbal Center

Springtime Candy Making with Wild Medicinals with Forage SF


Spring’s exuberant bounty is upon us! Join forager-herbalist chef Alexandra Hudson as she alchemizes fine, melt-in-your-mouth sweets with Springtime’s bounty of wild medicinals. Together we will learn to ID a handful of seasonal plants and prepare treats that feature their medicine. Candies include: bay nut truffles, sweet dreams marshmallows, lollipops for lung health in fire season, & immune-boosting gummies. Students will get to know the tastes of the plants used in the recipes and consider flavor balancing techniques to make candies that are not only medicinal but delicious. Alexandra will review different methods of medicine extraction to ensure potency of effect, as well as preservation and presentation methods to turn the candies into meaningful gifts.

Samples will abound and students will leave with a little goodie bag of treats.

Taught in collaboration with ForageSF

Kitchen Alchemy: Medicinal Herbs as Food & Food as Medicine


Since antiquity people have cooked with medicinal herbs to help their bodies run at an optimal level and be immune to the diseases of the time. This seasonally-based series will focus on herbs that can help bodies tonify, adapt, and feel deeply nourished throughout the year.

We will develop culinary skills to nourish self, friends, and family as we explore basic extraction techniques and methods of incorporating medicinal herbs into our daily foods. Recipes explored will appeal to children, adults wishing to perform at their best, and discerning foodies ready to elevate the flavors and medicinal potency of their kitchen game.

The class starts with the Autumn session and meets quarterly through the seasons. It is heavy on the learning-by-doing. Students will walk away with liquid-infusions in the process, a few samplers of the food items we make in class, and a solid launch point from which to continue the exploration of integrating with the seasons via food and herbal medicine.

SPRINGTIME Ah! The brilliant vibrancy of springtime; this potent time of rebirth, flowering, and pollination. Now that we are properly nourished on many levels from our wintertime nutrifying, let us work with herbal allies to help us arise from slumber and step into the majestic force of the springtime. In this time, liver-supporting plants are our best allies! Together we will explore patterns of imbalance that present in the spring and herbs allies to help remedy this and keep us on track. Recipes explored include vinegar infusion, herbal pesto, spring green salads, herbal seed sprinkles, and springtime beer.

SUMMER Harvest season is underway and nourishing the heart is key in this time of making hay while the sun is out. This is the time when the fields and our projects flower and come into fruit, and is a powerful time to work with plants to help us maintain dynamic balance in this most outward of seasons. We sing the song of summer with aphrodisiac honey-infusions, food dehydration techniques, fermented seed bread, fermented hot sauces, and wine/spirit infusions. It’s a lot to cover, but that’s summer!

Taught in collaboration with Berkeley Herbal Center

Courting the Muse: Herbal Wisdom and Practical Magic


In the seasonally-informed series Courting the Muse, we develop skills for making medicinal art with our plants. Over the seasons we explore the herbal medicine through the arts - from the fine arts to the practical daily rituals of body products and medicinal foods. Life is art and this series is a primer to exploring the many brilliant traditionally-informed ways plant medicine can express itself in our lives.

What does it look like to live in dynamic, beautiful relationship with ourselves, each other, and our planet? In these wild times in which our world is in such swift evolution, we community herbalists rise as allies for our people to connect with ancient ways of earthly healing. We get to know the plants in ways that go beyond the functional and venture into the profound-creative; in this place, the plants can speak through us and our art in ways that are evocative and nourishing on many levels.

And oh, how ever do our medicinal plants provide the most profoundly fertile muses for whatever project or process we wish to undertake. Together, we deepen our relationship with the plants as we bring them into every aspect of our lives in a deeply lovely way.

Taught in collaboration with Berkeley Herbal Center

Herbs for Love and Romance


What is love? The ancient Greeks recognized that there are over seven kinds of love; we enrich our relationship with our hearts as we explore the many ways love expresses itself. We explore herbal allies to support the Queen of the self -the heart- and practice techniques to enhance intimacy with the worlds within and around us.

Taught in collaboration with Berkeley Herbal Center

Wildfire Herbalist’s Toolkit: Cultivating Lung and Full-Body Health in Fire Season


Smoke from the Butte County wildfires is unlike that from mere burning wood - it contains the toxic particulate matter of volatilized structures, cars, industrial, and unprocessed nuclear waste. Grief abounds and questions of fundamental security arise as this beloved land and all it holds burns to a devastated char. We are entering an age of rapid evolution in which we must be nimble in mind, body, spirit, and lifestyle so that we may work with this new landscape. What comes after the burn? How can we cultivate resilient bodies within and throughout a presently brittle ecosystem?

In this two hour holistic intensive, we band together to engage with the microcosm of our bodies as our learning grounds. We call on the elements and work with herbal allies, foods, and lifestyle practices to bring ourselves into a lush dynamic equilibrium -- from this place we can engage with the world as highly present, healthy, vital beings. Together we will make a lung-support syrup, practice herbal steams, and review best practices for maintaining systemic health. We discuss tissue states and body systems and explore ways to optimize their toxin-ridding capacities. We explore what it could look like to have health-rich relationship with fire, water, air, and earth, and examine parallels between solutions for our individual bodies and that of our greater planetary body. We open space for grief to release and transmute.

Taught in collaboration with Berkeley Herbal Center

Snacks for Vitality

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Come explore recipes for nutrient-dense snacks, including kale and veggie chips, probiotic crackers, wildcrafted juices and smoothies, herb-infused energy balls and bars, and chocolate nut butter. In this hands-on class, we make nutrient-dense snacks , from kale chips and crackers to energy balls and pemmican. We work with nutrient-dense ingredients such as kraut, bone broth, wild-harvested foods, and medicinal herbs to create optimally revitalizing snacks. Some key concepts discussed will include food dehydration, juicing techniques, and bone broth preparation and utilization. Alexandra will demonstrate preparation and preservation techniques, including dehydration and juicing, bone broth preparation, medicinal herb identification and sourcing from the best farms in California.

Students will sample snacks in class and go home with a recipe booklet.

Taught in collaboration with Three Stone Hearth